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How to Market your Business with the Holidays around the Corner!

By: Becky Gale, CPC

November and December can be two of the craziest months with Thanksgiving and Christmas throwing a wrench into our routines! Cooking turkeys, busy grocery stores, Christmas shopping, crazy traffic… the list goes on and on! (Plus, it starts to snow, in many of the states and provinces, around this time! Yikes!)

So how do you manage to keep marketing your coaching business to ensure new and retaining clients, as well as maintaining an online presence?

Here’s a few tips!

1) Get a Website!

A website will allow the reader to see what your company values, mission, vision, contact information and most importantly what your niche is and how you can help THEM! On the plus side, once you have a website up and running, it means that you don’t have to check it everyday; it’s there, people have access to it and it’s in the background! The great thing with a website as well, is it will help people find you on Google faster. Unfortunately now with LinkedIn or Facebook there are so many different profiles out there, if someone is trying to connect with you and they try to search ie: “John Smith” you can imagine how many different profiles come up.

2) Schedule your Social Media posts!

There are a couple of different ways that you can schedule your social media posts. If you have Facebook for example, you can schedule as you are creating the posts. However, you can use a different program like Hootsuite that will schedule posts, plus post them on more than one social media platform. It’s important to have a weekly online presence, such as posting each day, or every other day, to show your followers what you are up to, what might interest them and to keep you connected online!

3) Schedule Mail Blasts!

This is similar to #2 but if you don’t have Facebook and want to stay connected with your clients over the holidays, get a program like MailChimp, set aside an hour a day and make weekly meaningful emails to your clients. Include information that might help them through the holiday season, since although this is a fun time of year, it can be hard for some as well! These emails can be short and sweet, but the goal is to keep your client feel connected with you!

Finally, connect with other coaches and see what their marketing plan is for holiday season. Work together and come up with a valuable and meaningful plan! It’s easy to get off course during the holidays, so stay proactive and connected through these simple steps! If you need help with an online presence, feel free to connect with me at any time!

Email me at or call me 250 290 0081.


Becky Gale

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